Artist Statement

My paintings are about visual bombardment and the instinct to find meaning even when none exists. I pun, blur, layer, fragment, and juxtapose, creating a disorienting iconography. The canvases suggest hidden agendas or anti-narratives that exceed interpretation. Fish are the subject of police investigation, car doors the object of seduction. Elements are appropriated randomly from a wide variety of sources, sometimes digitally manipulated, and then transferred onto canvas by hand. Serendipity, lateral thinking, and the struggle to connect the dots all conspire to inform the work. Titles provide a rearview glimpse of meanings that seep out over time. Ultimately, the work is about fighting chance, the noisy search of contemporary life. 


“Worth seeking out,” Benjamin Genocchio, The New York Times

“Conveys the whimsical in the everyday," Erin Donnelly, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

“A high degree of wit and irony, a function and commentary on our times," Ken Wahl, artist and curator, Paris, France.

“Visionary,” Jeff Theodore, The Jersey Journal.

“Like a ventriloquist," David Humphrey, artist and critic.

“A magician in concept development," Elka Kazmierczak, curator, SUNY Buffalo.

“Urbane meets urban hip," Catherine E. Carlson, reviewer, Voices of Lower Manhattan.

“A talented ‘connector’ who can articulate why everyone should be at the table and why everyone wins!” Karen Pinzolo, Program Director, Arts Plan NJ, ArtPride NJ Foundation.

“Tireless in his efforts to expose the city of Newark and the New York metropolitan area to a high level of culture.” Ben Jones, artist and professor, New Jersey City University.

“Seemingly effortless imagery," Rachel Friedberg, artist and curator, Fairleigh Dickinson University.

“Makes his own group show," Susan Hamburger, artist and critic.

“Explores new approaches to figuration," Hugo Bastidas, artist and curator, NJ City University.

“A cornball cornucopia of modern reproducible imagery," Dan Bischoff, critic, The Star Ledger.

“Channel surfing; encourages new interpretations all the time," David Wells, curator,

“He’s helped people realize any little thing is subject for art," Stephen McKenzie, Newark Museum.

“It is a pleasure to have worked with this great leader. Our state is lucky to have him.” Dina Erickson, NJ Cultural Trust.